The Aftermath

Day Four: EternoThis is it! Yagnoloth is dead and now the party starts to deal with the aftermath. Thanks for joining us for Season 2 of Ethereal Embrace!
- Vartan – voiced by Adam Culbertson
- Baya Rustin – voiced by Tisha Zang
- Moragan – voiced by Nari Kwak
- DM – Nico Rodriguez
- Susan – Voiced by Sarah Callaham
Patreon subscription available for ad-free or complete 62 episode series.
Music provided in part by Midnight Syndicate.
Art is provided by Expat. She does work on commission and can be found on facebook at:
Ethereal Embrace is a Creative Typo Entertainment LLC production.
Ethereal Embrace is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.