Hey there Typos!
Heya! Halloween is finally over and that means it’s Christmas season!!! Woohoo Give me Mariah Carey any day, honestly. But teh rest of the team said I have to talk about being thankful, and i’m thankful for you. Unfortunately, this newsletter is already tooo jampacked for me to go into all the ways I love you so look in the discord thread under general to see my real thanks. Anywhoooo on to November’s news
What's New
The last episode of A Fool’s Quest campaign 1 (that means there is more than 1!! Heck yeah) airs on November 18th and epilogueus on November 25th.
Don’t forgert to follow us on Twitter to get teh latest updates!
Also, the entire one shot is now available for you to listen. Episode one of The Devil Went Down to Jersey starts here on AFQ! Or here is the entire playlist
And if you aren’t in our Discord yet, we would absolutely love for you to join! We announce all kinds of upcoming events, discuss content from all of Creative Typo’s shows, as well as have a plain ol’ good time just hanging out and shooting the breeze.
Fan Faves
We had a Creative typo tirvia night! Here is a photo of the swag we gave out from our very own winner, Richard, gosh isn’t he so pretty. He makes me feel like a deer in headlights with that shiny beard of his #swoon.
If you want to see yourself in this section going forward please tag us on Twitter @creative_typo with your thoughts on one of the shows or send us en email with a photo of your favorite piece of CT swag or artwork!
Patreon Highlights
We want to give a special shoutout to
SK8C/Sarah C.
And you may be thinking, hmm isn’t SK8C a cast member? And yes, you are right! She is one of our more than one fans turned crew turned cast! And we love her so much more than any of the resto of anyone else, especially Adam and not just because he nominated Tisha for cast memebner of the month when she was trying to survive a hurricane but mostly because of that.
Do you want to see your name here”? Well, click this link and sign up. We love you, do you love us? Jkjkjk unless……
All of our Patrons mean the world to us! We love creating and we want to thank you for bringing us into this community that you’ve made possible.
If you want to learn more about how you can support us or just want additional content check out our site.
Upcoming/Recent Events
Recent Events
The auther for Into the Night has finished the second book in this series called When the Cowbird Sings. If you love ITNP as much as we do you will absolutely love this book. Listen, we are your doctor now and this new book is your prescription, you better at least read up on it. https://amzn.to/3zGl2vb Also, there is one story from there that has already made it into the podcast so here is a free sample
Upcoming Events
Microphones and Morons LIVE Questionnaire Extravaganza Poutisserie Chumbawumba is happening on Novembner 12th! Check the Discord events tab for details. It’s going to be so fun, don’t miss it.
Campaign 2 of Microphones and Monsters will start recording in the next couple months. I can’t wait to hear Adam’s sultry voice telling me who he is again.
Quarterly Newsletter Raffle!
We are going to start a quarterly raffle once we hit 25 subscribers (you’ll probably win tbh) – the more subscribrs the better the prize so get your friends to sign up. Once we hit 25 subscribers the next prize will be revealed. The next prize is a professional comic book artist’s art print, don’t tell anyone I told you.
Upcoming Projects
We have a new mystery project called Isfet Archives. More information to come soon! We know we keep saying that each month, but you can’t rush art!
Riftborn has been making great progress as the voice actors are continuing to record their lines for the episodes.
For upcoming projects, we have about a half-dozen more currently in the works, so pay close attention to this section in upcoming months!
Meet the Cast/Crew
Meet Sarah! We had a chance to talk with her and get the scoop on all the questions we know you’ve been dying to get answers to!
Q: How long have you been playing D&D?
A: I started playing DnD somewhere around the beginning of 2019.
Q: Why do you hate onions and would you ever put them on the bottom of your feet while you sleep to remove the toxic trait of hating onions?
A: Dude, me and onions just don’t get along. I try to be a big girl and just eat them in my food, but I just can’t! I inherited some wonderful texture issues from my mother and just can’t do onions. I have like a visceral reaction when I accidentally eat one..
Q: What roles/characters do you play in Creative Typo?
A: I manage social media for Creative Typo, mostly for Microphones and Monsters at the moment, but will be taking on more as we grow. I help out with the newsletter as needed and I also help Adam and Nico with a bunch of various behind the scenes work. I have my hands in a few of the super secret squirrel projects, so stay tuned to see what’s coming!
Q: Have you ever tried onion rings???
A: I have! Weirdly, I used to eat Burger King onion rings a lot when I was younger.
Q: Which role/character has been your favorite?
A: I like helping people, so honestly I’m just happy to be a part of the crew doing whatever I can!
Q: What do you do when you go to Outback Steakhouse? Just ont eat the blooming onion?
A: Precisely. LOL
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
A: I have an inappropriate answer about who I like t —– I’ll just leave that to the imagination. But otherwise, I play video games on the weekends to de-stress. I also like to meet up with friends to play board games or watch movies. We also usually all cook and eat dinner together too!
Q: Did you ever play parappa the rapper, do you even hate fictional onions? What about the onion knight in dark souls 2?
A: I never played either of those games, but I’ll go out on a limb and assume that yes, I would probably blindly hate fictional onions as well.
Q: Who is your favorite character (npc/pc) in all of Creative Typo?
A: Well, I’m a total Mics & Monsters fan girl, so I’m a bit partial to their characters. Manrose is of course a classic favorite. I definitely fell in love with Victor when I first started listening. But I’m listening to Ethereal Embrace right now and I smile and laugh so much every time Baya hugs other characters. She’s precious.
Q: If you were to marry a fictional character that is dead, who would they be and why?
A: Eddie Munson. Hands down. Because it’s Eddie. No further reason needed.
Super Sweet Swag
If you want anything custom made by our very own Creative Typo staff, don’t forget to email us at creativetypoentertainment@gmail.com
In the meantime, check out this super sweet Into the Night bag, we absolutely love the design and because we are making this all ourselves you can get a free one with your choice of design with any other purchase you make through email or you can just order this directly for a steal via email.
Thank you!
Thanks for checking out the monthly newsletter! If you have any remarks or feedback about this newsletter, please send them to Richard’s beard on discord. Just type in the discord general channel something like “hey Richard, tell your beard the newsletter didn’t have enough typos” or “Hey Richard’s beard I want to see more pictures of Tisha because she is so cool” or whatever your feedback is.
Remember, whether you’re a Fool, a Monster, an Excursionist, Shifter, Dreadhead, or OABAR TIYH, we love you and are super happy to have you in our family!